Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pelicans and Progress

Swifter movement these days. A number of satisfying events this past week! Our Panama bank finally paid out that disbursement which will no doubt please our builder. The roof is completed, the approval of the 15 "additions" happened and I sent off most of the payment for the extra items. We backed down a little on the refrigerator due to cost, but stayed with our decision regarding the windows upgrades to include double panes and screens, and managed to negotiate a bit better price for the enlarged patio and tile roof cover. All in all, most satisfying!

Friend Don in  Costa Pedasi sent some fantastic shots this week, not only of the house but he also caught a couple of great ones of the local pelicans. They are always flying around the area, over the shoreline, but it seems the camera is usually not close when this happens. Well, Don did it!

Pelican Air force, formation flying

Messy gardeners!

I wish we could conclude the gallery sale as much interest, but no money. Chris is running a two week advertising campaign, then another decision to be made. Perhaps it is best to approach this stage carefully, as the economy is still uncertain, no matter what the media portrays. There is a sense of optimism locally, but we are a small town with many empty spots to rent and a few businesses shut down over the past several weeks, so the perception is not one of prosperity! Chris and I have recently discussed some contingency plans in case we have to wait a long time for the gallery to sell (as if we haven't waited long enough already?). Stay positive is my philosophy. As I learned as a Realtor - there is a buyer out there for every property.

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